The Center Group, an international business development and marketing firm based in Washington, D.C. has embarked on private sector development in Africa.

Business expansion and infrastructure development are challenging, particulary when undertaken on an international scale. Using its own resources and international business expertise, The Center Group has identified exciting business opportunities in Africa and is working with clients to implement strategies for exploiting them. In addition, The Center Group has cultivated impressive networks in local markets throughout Africa, including Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Mozambique, Malawi, Madagascar and South Africa.

Recently, The Center Group began acting as the exclusive representative of several groups of Tanzanian Contractors on the national level outside of Tanzania, a country that has recently experienced a 7-percent annual rate of economic growth. These groups include the Contractors Association of Tanzania (CATA), the Contractors Association of Tanzania Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd. (CATA-SACCOS), and the Contractors Association of Dar es Salaam. The Center Group assists these organizations in raising financing through private sources, governmental sources, and international financial institutions and in securing exports from the United States and other markets to equip the contractors and satisfy the market demand.

The Center Group is recruiting U.S. companies and international entities with the aim of financing or joint-venturing on projects in Tanzania and creating other business opportiunities. Read More